Meet Murphy
Meet Murphy! He's a 2-year-old, 25-lb. miniature Goodendoodle, and as you can see he's a total cutie pie and loves to be around people. He's neutered, up to date on his doggie shots, housetrained, and untested around cats.
He's healthy, sweet, food-motivated, very smart, and a really great little guy. Not only that, but he loves to snuggle!
He likes other dogs (currently lives with another dog) and has doggie friends he likes to play with. He sounds perfect, but like most dogs needing rehoming he has one significant issue that needs a dedicated, intelligent person to work with.
His people need to find a home for him with no kids, as his family has a toddler, and Murphy resource guards tissues and food and will bite if you reach for his possessions. Resource guarding is a natural behavior in most species, and if not worked with correctly can escalate and result in dogs biting. Murphy has bitten his people over tissues and food items on the floor - nothing requiring medical care but still an issue. Murphy needs a home that will work with a qualified, force free trainer and teach him that he doesn't have to worry about his things.
SDR is also saying No Apartments for Murphy, as he needs a yard to play in.
For more info and/or to apply to adopt Murphy, send an email to [email protected]. A volunteer from SDR will get back to you as soon as they can.
He's healthy, sweet, food-motivated, very smart, and a really great little guy. Not only that, but he loves to snuggle!
He likes other dogs (currently lives with another dog) and has doggie friends he likes to play with. He sounds perfect, but like most dogs needing rehoming he has one significant issue that needs a dedicated, intelligent person to work with.
His people need to find a home for him with no kids, as his family has a toddler, and Murphy resource guards tissues and food and will bite if you reach for his possessions. Resource guarding is a natural behavior in most species, and if not worked with correctly can escalate and result in dogs biting. Murphy has bitten his people over tissues and food items on the floor - nothing requiring medical care but still an issue. Murphy needs a home that will work with a qualified, force free trainer and teach him that he doesn't have to worry about his things.
SDR is also saying No Apartments for Murphy, as he needs a yard to play in.
For more info and/or to apply to adopt Murphy, send an email to [email protected]. A volunteer from SDR will get back to you as soon as they can.