Meet Boo
This happy bundle of cuteness makes everyone smile! He has the cutest ears and fun personality.
Boo is about 7-8 months old, weighs 18 lbs. and will probably be 22-25 lbs. when fully grown. He is a Chihuahua mix who is super snuggly but is also able to get cuddly in his crate for a break. His estimated date of birth is 6-13-18, and he's neutered and up to date on his doggie shots.
All puppies need continued socialization and extra time to practice walking on a leash. Boo is house- and crate-trained, and he is learning to use a doggie door.
He thrives in a home with another dog, so preference will be given to applicants with a resident dog.
He’s an amazing little guy who wins hearts wherever he goes!
For more info and/or to apply to adopt Boo, go to the top toolbar, click Adopt, click Dog Application; then fill it out and send it in. A volunteer from Summit Dog Rescue will get back to you as soon as they can.
Boo is about 7-8 months old, weighs 18 lbs. and will probably be 22-25 lbs. when fully grown. He is a Chihuahua mix who is super snuggly but is also able to get cuddly in his crate for a break. His estimated date of birth is 6-13-18, and he's neutered and up to date on his doggie shots.
All puppies need continued socialization and extra time to practice walking on a leash. Boo is house- and crate-trained, and he is learning to use a doggie door.
He thrives in a home with another dog, so preference will be given to applicants with a resident dog.
He’s an amazing little guy who wins hearts wherever he goes!
For more info and/or to apply to adopt Boo, go to the top toolbar, click Adopt, click Dog Application; then fill it out and send it in. A volunteer from Summit Dog Rescue will get back to you as soon as they can.